lets start with a short story.
quite a long time ago, in the island of guadara, an unheard place in the midst of the great Pacific, there lived a boy. small and beautiful as the island, there seemed not a worry in the world troubling his innocent mind. embracing the warm summers and icy cold winters, with a music in his heart and a dance in each step, it was as if he was born out of the mighty Heavens, probably when God was in a jolly good mood...
smooth and easy was his world...happiness was unbound, and life couldn't be better. till one day he became curious. "what lies beyond the seas?"he asked himself. with not a soul to talk to (not that he was even aware of companionship), he could only ask so many questions to himself. and till today he could answer all. but this was different.what lies beyond the seas?how could he say?his world comprised of this small island. this was all he knew and all he needed to know...till today. 'cause now this indormitable desire of knowing the answer began to haunt him...in his sleeps, his nightly walks. the strong winds began to tempt him and lure him into the great Unknowns...unable to contain himself anymore, he finally set out in a pretty, little raft he had made for himself...in search of his answer. he finally set out to seek the unseekable, to know the unknowable...on an everlasting quest to feel the unquestionable Truth.
he still wanders in his pretty, little raft, braving the stroming seas and romancing the lost winds. he still seeks the unseekable and tries to know the unknowable...he still wants the Truth.
well, aren't we all? with a belief that refuses to die and hope that keeps the flame forever burning, aren't we all living the dream? the dream that is in truth the undying reality...
the boy lives on hope...that someday he will succeed in his quest. and so do we. its hope which beautifies the dream. the hope of a meaning.
after all, life is just a broken snatch of a vast dream lived by the Mighty One.
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