Life was moving slowly, slow and steady...the weather had been good for the past couple of days. It even rained the other night, quenching the thirst of the not-so parched earth, cooling the nature and lighting up a fire in many hearts.
Happiness isn’t exactly the way I would describe it, but a general air of acceptance hung around. The usual mundane work, struggling against the self to sit with books, searching desperately for a bit of desire to go through them...yeah...that’s the way it was...when it struck...
Like the cold, depressing wind out of nowhere, it was as if a million dementors had been set free to feast on my soul and feasting they were...that’s how the news came...exams for more than a month...from the 10th of april till the 14th of may... what have we done to deserve this? A bunch of students like us, who never hurt a fly(figuratively)! The hangover of exams is bad enough, and then if it is for a month...I’d rather give up my soul before the ‘dementors’(read: examiners) can snatch it away...

you are right..the fear of exams are not enough 2 chain our undying spirit of rebellion..rebellion against the whole damn system of education, which is by the way 'just another brick in the wall'..:(
p.s..exams stretching over a month??!!seriously..what did you people do to deserve this??!!!
the fevered soul shall fight back..that much i can promise you...
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